Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year!


At the stroke of midnight, New Year's Eve, this song is played all over the world. In the film "When Harry Met Sally", after he declares his love for her at a party, Harry says to Sally, "I never really understood what the song meant. I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot?' Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?"

I am with you Harry! What does that song really mean? You know what, it doesn't really matter!

What does matter is that we take all we have experienced and learned in the year passing and use it to help us make the new year even better, the best one yet!

One way to achieve this is to learn and practice 'Positive Adaptation'. We can all strive, learn and become 'better'; better to ourselves, our spouses and children, friends and family, our careers and better with all others with whom we interact.

Let us make our New Year's Resolution, (and keep it!), this year to practicing Positive Adaptation. May we all 'Think, Feel and Do' our best and thus enjoy life to the fullest in 2010!

Let the Good Times Roll and remember Happy Days Are Here! (music to both on the right side of text)

May this be the best year yet for us all!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Believe what in what your heart is saying.
Believe in what you feel inside and
Give your dreams the wings to fly!

You have everything you need if you just believe!

Happy Holidays!

Photo by: Renee Rendler-Kaplan

Friday, December 11, 2009

Be inspired: "Make my day."

"The main thing is not how long you're
on the planet, but the quality you have while
you are here. That is the only thing
that really matters." ~ Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood: another person is my series of actual people who personify Positive Adaptation in action. At every age, he states he has challenged himself to learn, grow and be the best he can be.

Eastwood, who almost 40 years ago, in the classic film "Dirty Harry" said: "Go ahead, make my day." is still making the very most of every one of his days.

Now, almost 80 years young, Eastwood lives his own words of wisdom: "Follow what you think. You want to do something? Then just do it the best you can." He believes that living ones' best life is about "expanding, constantly pushing yourself."

Clint Eastwood's career, from 'Spagetti Western" actor to multi-academy award winning actor and director, is proof of his dedication to self and professional growth. "He challenges his audiences by challenging himself and inspires us all in the process."

Today, let us follow his example. Let us be inspired to be the best we can be, live and enjoy life to the fullest.

Go ahead.... make your day!