Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let's Begin- Learn to Identify Patterns.

"To understand is to
perceive patterns"
  - Isaiah Berlin

"Creativity involves
breaking out of 
established patterns
in order to look at 
things in a 
different way"
 - Edward de Bono

Common Questions I Hear?
"Why does this keep happening to me?"
"Why can't I just find the right partner
 and be happy" 
"When will I feel better about myself and my life?"

The answer: Just as soon as you choose to!
We all have patterns of thought, the feelings and the actions they provoke, embedded in us.  Whether they be from the distant past, family related, or more current, these patterns exist. Until we learn to identify them and decide to change them, we will not change nor will our lives.

The process, Positive Adaptation,  is simple but not always easy. Identifying the thinking patterns that still work and discarding the ones found to be harmful, takes time. First, we have to choose to want better for ourselves! We have to be willing to think, feel and do whatever it takes to achieve the change we seek.

I can tell you from personal experience change can be difficult.  I can also state, without hesitation, the changes I have made have been worth every ounce of effort. I feel good about myself, my relationships, my work and my life. I live life and feel joyful most everyday.  However, on those days when I don't, (which happen from time to time), I know what I can do to get back on track.
You can too!

So go ahead, take the leap. Take one of the first steps to achieving what you really want, optimal well being. Begin with closely looking at the patterns of your life that have gotten you where you are now. Make the decision to break and change the ones that are simply not working for you! Be creative enough to see the difference. 

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".  Take this step today, as there is no time like the present to decide to think, feel and do better!

More on patterns to come....


(Photos by: Renee Rendler-Kaplan)

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